When Should Older Drivers Stop Driving |
You've gotten used to checking the boxes of dispiriting things that happen as you age, but this one may sting a little more. Being unable to drive knocks you down to a level of freedom, or lack thereof, you haven't experienced since high school.
That may be why, according to the American Society on Aging (ASA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), many people drive seven to 10 years longer than they responsibly should. No one wants to give up the ability to go where they want, when they want, but there comes a time when it's necessary.
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The Aftermath of Cataract Surgery: How to Make Your Recovery Easy and Safe | After you undergo a significant medical procedure, the treated area of your body is usually more susceptible to harm. During any recovery period, you should be extra mindful of your actions and environment so as not to potentially undo the operation, cause severe nerve damage or get an infection.
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